Thursday, August 20, 2009

In the Obamethical Universe, Letting a Newborn Die Is a Right, While Disagreeing with the President's Interpretation of Legislation Is A Sin

Let it be known to all who stand in opposition to the president on health care reform: You are now sinners in the hands of an angry President.

On his mysteriously Constitutional lobbying call yesterday to 140,000 religious leaders and others representing 32 denominations, President Obama referred to those arguing against him on the health care issue as "bearing false witness." Considering the fact that he was talking to people for whom that is supposed to be one of the ten most inappropriate behaviors to engage in, that seems rather intemperate for the leader of a nation that the liberals have been screaming for the last eight years is supposed to be secular.

It's rather like the president of Iran telling his Mullahs that his opponent Mousavi is an "infidel" (which he has not, to my knowledge, done, though it would simplify his isolation of Mousavi quite a bit.) It's a totally inappropriate use of language--to those for whom it actually means something--by a powerful leader. That leader, incidentally (Obama, not Ahmedinejad, though these days it's getting hard to tell the difference. Mostly because our own media has colluded with the Administration to ignore the monstrous behavior of the new regime (Iranian, not American) since a few days after it was exciting post-election news. The oppression, suppression, persecution, trials, and tyranny are ongoing, but we are steadfastly ignoring them (again, I'm referring here to Iran.)

Let us remember that the President's claim on a Christian heritage is tenuous, at best. He has no upbringing in even a mainstream Christian denomination, having been raised primarily by his Unitarian grandparents, occasionally by his freethinker mother, and rather haphazardly by not one, but two Muslim fathers (a father and a stepfather, actually.) Though we are given to understand that at least in Indonesia he went to a few religious schools.

At any rate, though we may take at face value Obama's much-ballyhooed claim to have been what conservative religious people generally call "born-again" (though of course he shuns that label) at Trinity United Church of Christ, we do know for a fact that he has never studied theology in any serious professional setting, like a seminary or Bible school, and by his own admission, whatever it was his pastor of twenty years was going on about up front he paid almost no attention to. So, essentially, it can safely be said that the President is not an expert on any religion, Christian or otherwise.

So it seems rather presumptious (not to mention presumptively unconstitutional and rather unethical) for the president of the United States to be offering what appear to have become "his" ministers likely topics for the Sunday sermon. Yet that is exactly what he did. This is the same man who, as a state senator, three times defended the practice of allowing babies to die without medical attention if they managed to survive an attempted abortion.

To pass a law against it, he argued, would "undermine" Roe v. Wade.

I see. But telling Pastors to use their sermons as an oracle for his public policy doesn't "undermine" anything? Like the integrity of the pulpit? Or the "separation of church and state" that the left once held dear?

The Bible doesn't have a lot to say about government-financed health care, no matter how skillfully Obama suggests such a connection (no, Mr. President. Matthew 25 isn't an address to the Roman governor.) But it has a great deal to say about false prophets, bad shepherds, evil kings, and those who distort the word of God.

I would respectfully suggest that the President hang up the phone, put on his flame-retardant gloves, and open the Bible.

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